Beautiful Nuclear


RISE3D Journal

To accelerate the replacement of unabated coal plants with new, advanced nuclear technologies and to bring about breakthrough nuclear innovations, the Nuclear Innovation: Clean Energy Future initiative (NICE Future) launched a campaign to Research the Impacts on Social Equity and Economic Empowerment (RISE3). Terra Praxis is proud to have contributed to the second volume of the RISE3D journal! This journal provides expert resources alongside a blueprint for countries transitioning to a clean and just energy economy with nuclear innovation as a key pillar.

Risks to the Energy Transition
Terra Praxis
Energy System Modeling
Nuclear Basics & Communications

The world wants nuclear

In what is probably the most comprehensive recent multinational survey of public attitudes to nuclear energy, the authors find strong public support for advanced nuclear technologies and what they can bring. This report describes a rigorous and objective study, the perceptions and misperceptions people share, and the top ten findings, which collectively lead to the conclusion that “the world wants new nuclear.” Terra Praxis was on the study Advisory Committee.

Nuclear Basics & Communications

Terra Praxis 2021 Annual Review

Climate change is an energy problem. We only have 28 years to replace fossil fuels and double our overall energy supply. Our programs could accelerate the reduction of global carbon emissions by repurposing trillions of dollars of existing infrastructure to supply clean, affordable, and reliable energy to billions of people. As you reflect on our 2021 Annual Review, we hope you will be as energized as we are by our success in mobilizing a broad coalition of public and private sector leaders and building momentum for innovative climate solutions.

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Terra Praxis
Zero-Carbon Fuels
Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)

Nuclear Law: The Global Debate

IAEA Director General and leading experts discuss current issues in nuclear energy in this new book by the IAEA. Our Missing Link report (Missing Link to a Livable Climate: How Hydrogen-Enabled Synthetic Fuels Can Help Deliver Paris Goals) is referenced and discussed in Chapter 6 "The Challenge of Climate Change—Complete Energy Transformation: No Nuclear, No Net Zero," by Tim Stone, and also in Chapter 13 "The Humanitarian Atom: The Role of Nuclear Power in Addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals," by Sama Bilbao y León and John Lindberg.

Zero-Carbon Fuels
Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)
Nuclear Basics & Communications

Beautiful Nuclear

This excellent report skillfully shows how nuclear energy helps meet all 17 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. No other electricity generation technology can match this diversity of beneficial impacts... The NNWI strongly endorses “Beautiful Nuclear: Driving Deep Decarbonization”. - Tim Yeo, Chair, The New Nuclear Watch Institute and former Chair of the UK Environment Select Committee

Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)
Nuclear Basics & Communications
Terra Praxis

Flexible Nuclear Campaign

LucidCatalyst is providing support and staffing for the Flexible Nuclear Campaign led by Energy For Humanity (EFH), EON, and National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), which is a campaign of the NICE Future Initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial.

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Terra Praxis
Nuclear Basics & Communications

Assessment of the Sustainability of Nuclear Power for the EU Taxonomy Consultation 2019

LucidCatalyst and its partners created this report for the European Commission Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance, as well as for the international investment and financing community, to help them fairly and robustly evaluate the overall sustainability of nuclear energy as an investment. Our central finding is that nuclear energy is a sustainable energy investment.

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Terra Praxis
Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)
Economics, Cost Drivers & Commercialization

Nuclear Power in a Clean Energy System: A Key Source of Low-Carbon Power

Kirsty Gogan contributed to this report, which focuses on the role of nuclear power in advanced economies and the factors that put nuclear power at risk of future decline. It is shown that without action, nuclear power in advanced economies could fall by two-thirds by 2040. The implications of such a “Nuclear Fade Case” for costs, emissions and electricity security using two World Energy Outlook scenarios – the New Policies Scenario and the Sustainable Development Scenario are examined.

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Risks to the Energy Transition
Terra Praxis
Nature & Sustainability (UNSDG)

Making Sense of Nuclear

This guide is designed to help guide informed decision-making around some of the big questions and concerns about nuclear energy. LucidCatalyst's Kirsty Gogan, a contributor, said: “Our response to climate change today will have far-reaching implications for our children. Our decisions must be based on the best available evidence. We need to go beyond wishful thinking and crunch the numbers properly if we are to succeed globally in making a rapid and meaningful transition from fossil fuels. Robust information and sound analysis are as important as following our hearts.”

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Risks to the Energy Transition
Nuclear Basics & Communications
Terra Praxis