This article presents the results of a techno-economic analysis of repowering a coal-fired power plant’s steam turbine system to instead accept heat produced by a pressurized water reactor-type small modular nuclear system (PWR SMR). This type of repowering presents a challenge due to the significantly lower steam pressure and temperature produced by the nuclear system. A 460 MW supercritical power unit with steam parameters of 28 MPa/560 °C/580 °C, operated in the Łagisza Power Plant in Poland, was selected for the analysis. After repowering, the turbine system would be fed with saturated steam from the steam generators of the SMRs at a pressure of 7 MPa and a temperature of 285 °C. In total, four options for repowering were analyzed. In all cases, the existing high-pressure section of the turbine was disconnected, and the existing low-pressure stages of the turbine, as well as all auxiliary and outward components (feedwater heaters, pumps, generator, condenser, condenser cooling, etc.), are re-used in their existing configurations, except for a feedwater-heater pump that needs to be replaced. In three cases, the existing intermediate pressure turbine section acts as the high-pressure stage of the repowered system. These cases include repowering without an additional reheater (case A), with an added single-stage reheater (B) and with an added two-stage reheater (C). In the fourth case (D), the existing intermediate pressure section was replaced by a new high-pressure turbine stage suited to the SMR live steam conditions. While all four repowering options are technically possible and may represent an economic advantage compared to a complete greenfield SMR installation, option D with a new high-pressure stage is clearly the best option available, with significant cost savings, leading to a lower levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and a higher net present value (NPV) and net present value ratio (NPVR) than the greenfield case and all other repowering. For relatively new coal power plants with equipment in good condition, this type of repowering may present a cost optimal near-term pathway.