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International Atomic Energy Agency
October 9, 2023
Terra Praxis participated in the IAEA 2nd Conference on Climate Change. The conference themes included the mitigation challenge and implications for the energy sector; the climate-resilience of energy systems; the roles of existing, evolutionary, and innovative nuclear power systems as well as the integration of nuclear–renewable energy systems; enabling environments for realizing the full potential of nuclear power; and international cooperation and stakeholder engagement.
Anthropocene Institute
September 15, 2023
The mining and burning of coal is worsening the effects of the climate crisis. We all know that. However, can we do something about the coal processing plants themselves? Can these dirty coal plants be retrofitted to process fossil-free energy instead of dirty energy? It may surprise you to know that the answer is yes. This article was written by Anthropocene for We Don't Have Time, after the Reuters SMR & Advanced Reactor Conference, where Kirsty Gogan highlighted the need to optimize existing infrastructure, utilize current transmission systems, transfer skills, and act swiftly to mitigate risks of the energy transition.
Lloyd's Register
September 13, 2023
During London International Shipping Week, Lloyd's Register hosted a by-invitation-only reception focused on the pressing issue of ‘sustainable shipping – investment & implementation for the here & now.’ The expert speakers and panelists delved into crucial sessions designed to empower the audience with knowledge and strategies to navigate the challenges of sustainable shipping. Terra Praxis Founding Partner and Co-CEO was one of expert speakers invited to join the session and reception.
Dr. Harrie Vredenburg
September 10, 2023
This film takes us on a journey to discover the possibilities that lie ahead as we address climate change in a pragmatic, non-polarized manner and transition to a new energy future. Kirsty Gogan was among the expert contributors.
August 30, 2023
In August 2023, UKT News chose Terra Praxis to be featured in their Startup Showcase. This article perfectly informs on why and by whom Terra Praxis was founded, what we do, and how we work.
Capital Factory
August 22, 2023
Terra Praxis' Senior Vice-President, Jon Guidroz, was present at Fed Supernova. This event connected entrepreneurs, government, and industry together to collaborate on dual-use solutions that put commercial technology in the hands of the Department of Defense. The 3-day event accelerated defense innovation by creating a unique, once-a-year opportunity for the entire ecosystem to converge with a shared mission in the hottest innovation hub in the country.
August 4, 2023
Houston is known as the energy capital of the world to many, and major players — from the mayor to corporations — are determined to translate that leadership to the energy transition. With that in mind, Microsoft has launched its own hub to celebrate the movement, featuring Terra Praxis, among other strategic partners.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Clean Air Task Force
August 1, 2023
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Clean Air Task Force offered a three-day course for key leaders “Nuclear Energy in a Low-Carbon Future: Key Facts and Issues” on August 1–3, 2023. The course was organized by Terra Praxis Board Member, Jacopo Buongiorno, Tokyo Electric Power Company Professor in Nuclear Engineering and director of science and technology for the university’s Nuclear Reactor Laboratory. Terra Praxis' Co-CEO, Eric Ingersoll and Jacopo Buongiorno gave a lecture on the topic of the 'Cost Challenge'.
BBC - Science & Nature
August 1, 2023
How we heat our homes is set to radically change as the UK government phases out gas boilers? But can changing the technology we use every day help us reduce greenhouse gases and stop climate change? BBC investigates if it’s possible to heat our homes by replacing oil and gas boilers with new green alternatives, whether the country is ready to build an entirely low-carbon electricity network, and if we can do it all before the government’s net zero target of 2050. Kirsty Gogan was interviewed to provide a potential answer to these staggering questions.
UK Atomic Energy Authority
July 10, 2023
The IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE) is a biennial conference with a focus on fusion excellence. SOFE2023 was held in Oxford and it has only been the second time that it has taken place outside of the US, the first time it has been in Europe. The event was hosted by the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) and brought the global fusion community together. Terra Praxis' Founding Partner and Co-CEO, Kirsty Gogan, gave a talk on "Developing a fast, low-cost, and repeatable system to decarbonize the global coal fleet with fission and fusion by 2050".
June 26, 2023
Erik Bergman from interviewed Terra Praxis as part of their ' Talks With...' podcast. This series is an antidote to negative news stories and aims to shed light on organizations and experts whose work is making a positive impact on the world. Nuclear power plants leave a very tiny environmental footprint compared to coal plants. What we get in return are much larger amounts of energy. We need the whole range of clean energy tools, including wind, solar and nuclear - which provides the level of energy required to meet growing global demand with no emissions. Because of that, there has to be a conversation around transitioning away from fossil fuels and into nuclear. And in their latest episode, Erik talked with Kirsty Gogan, Founding Director and Co-CEO of Terra Praxis.
Sustain Southern California
June 1, 2023
Eric Ingersoll presented at the Sustain SoCal which brought together a panel of experts in the nuclear energy field (fusion and fission) who gave a high-level overview of where the industry stands today and where it is going.
City & Financial Global
May 18, 2023
This conference is the second edition of the New Nuclear Summit. This year, the conference served as a platform for the UK Government officials, key nuclear stakeholders and other industry experts to discuss the key issues involved in the UK’s nuclear renaissance. The discussion also included a review of new nuclear outside the UK.
May 17, 2023
Co-host Anna and Megan Pulliam, Terra Praxis Chief Development Officer, talked about the greatest carbon abatement opportunity in the world: Repowering Coal Fleets with emissions-free heat sources, such as fission and fusion reactors. This initiative, led by Terra Praxis, aims to convert the world's 2400 coal plants in the world into clean energy sources, bringing countless benefits to human health and economic prosperity for communities.
Reuters Events
May 4, 2023
The Reuters SMR & Advanced Reactor event is the leading SMR conference with over 600 nuclear change makers coming together to unlock the multi-billion industry. Thanks to the support of Anthropocene Institute, Terra Praxis was a sponsor of Day 1 and Kirsty and Eric delivered the keynote address, sharing the rationale, engineering innovations, and massive potential impact of REPOWER.
Reuters Events
May 3, 2023
The production of clean synthetic fuels is key if we want to decarbonize the economy to achieve the urgent clean energy transition. This article highlights how hydrogen produced from clean energy sources needs to step up, nuclear energy could be a big player in its production and offers some key advantages over other clean forms of energy sources, such as land use and costs.
Cleaning Up
April 26, 2023
On the day this episode was recorded, Germany shut down its last 3 nuclear power plants - active assets producing massive amounts of clean energy. Michael Liebreich and Kirsty Gogan discuss what drove this decision and its consequences. They also share their thoughts on how nuclear energy's role in the clean energy transition, though now recognized and proven, still struggles to make its way.
Brutal Tech News
April 17, 2023
Terra Praxis featured as Brutal Tech's startup showcase.
"As a climate solution accelerator, Terra Praxis is accelerating solutions that have the potential to scale and have a significant impact on the decarbonization challenge."
April 6, 2023
Widespread impacts from climate change are already here. Our actions in this critical decade will determine the full extent of future impacts on our children and grandchildren. In our 2022 Annual Review, you will see how, with our world-class sustainability partners, Terra Praxis is the only entity designing a scalable, rapid repowering system to decarbonize the entire global coal fleet by 2050. This is how we plan to eliminate one-third of global carbon emissions and provide a method for supplying affordable, reliable, and emissions-free energy to billions of people. With global coal consumption reaching record highs in 2022, solutions like this are needed now more than ever.
International Atomic Energy Agency
April 5, 2023
In April 2023, Terra Praxis took part in this IAEA webinar that discussed economic considerations around the potential for repurposing retired or operating coal-fired power plants with nuclear power plants to support climate change mitigation. This webinar provided an opportunity to highlight current case studies in this area, including potential economic benefits, identified challenges and possible solutions.
Power Engineering International PEI
March 22, 2023
"We are still not treating the climate emergency as if it was an emergency" is one of many of Kirsty Gogan's insights during her interview with Pamela Largue at Enlit Europe. This article highlights the key issues Kirsty addressed in terms of why nuclear energy should be part of the energy transition in order to address the climate urgency.
Nuclear Energy Agency
March 13, 2023
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Dashboard launch, which includes analysis of 21 SMR designs and the progress towards their deployment and commercialization. Terra Praxis Founding Director, Kirsty Gogan joined a panel of experts who discussed the energy planning priorities of potential end-users.
World Nuclear News
March 13, 2023
Terra Praxis and Danish floating nuclear power plant developer Seaborg have agreed to assess Seaborg's Compact Molten Salt Reactor (CMSR) as a potential heat source to support the rapid decarbonization of the global coal fleet.
March 12, 2023
Terra Praxis joined its partners from Anthropocene at this exciting festival, where Terra Praxis had a chance to walk people through our work on REPOWER.
Seaborg & Terra Praxis
March 10, 2023
Terra Praxis and Seaborg have agreed to assess Seaborg’s CMSR as a potential heat source in the standardized, systematic method of repurposing existing coal-fired power plants with nuclear reactors, developed by Terra Praxis. Many coal power plants are located close to industrial water courses or oceans providing direct site access for Seaborg's floating power barge product.
March 7, 2023
Terra Praxis was honored to be featured at the newly inaugurated Microsoft Energy Transition Center of Excellence grand opening, where we showcased REPOWER, the largest carbon abatement solution on the planet.
Microsoft Industry Blog
March 7, 2023
To meet their net-zero goals, companies need support across their energy transition journeys to reduce CO2 emissions, capture and store carbon, generate green hydrogen, repower coal, and optimize wind turbines. The new Microsoft Center of Excellence will showcase leading energy transition solutions and give customers an opportunity to learn first-hand the solutions offered by Microsoft and our global partner ecosystem.
Copenhagen Atomics & Terra Praxis
March 6, 2023
Terra Praxis and Copenhagen Atomics have agreed to assess Copenhagen Atomics Waste Burner (CAWB) as a potential heat source in the standardized, systematic method of repurposing existing coal-fired power plants with nuclear reactors, developed by Terra Praxis. Parties anticipate that the success of Terra Praxis’ Repowering Coal system will be a dramatic reduction in regulatory licensing scope, project duration, project costs, and commercial risks to enable the rapid decarbonization of coal plants to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
International Atomic Energy Agency
February 27, 2023
The purpose of the workshop was to explore the challenges in developing an adequate level of competence and experienced personnel to operate and maintain the new generation small modular reactors. Operating these reactors may require a different kind of organization structure and personnel may need a different set of competencies and expertise.
February 16, 2023
Kirsty Gogan, and Eric Ingersoll, Terra Praxis Founding Directors and Co-CEOs, participated in the Enlit Impact Circle, where a group of select experts gathered to give shape to the upcoming Enlit Europe conference program.